PRN Nursing Consultants

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Immunizations: New students will not be enrolled unless a written immunization record, provided by a physician or the health department, is presented at the time of enrollment and immunizations are up-to-date. Students who require additional vaccine doses or who lack a written record are no longer allowed a grace period. All students new to the Charter, or transfer students from within the District, must show that they have received all currently required immunizations in order to be enrolled. The immunizations status of all students will be reviewed periodically. Those students who do not meet the State guidelines must be excluded from school until the requirements are met. Students who have been exposed to a communicable disease for which they have not been immunized may be excluded from school at the discretions of the Health Department.


A doctor may exempt a child from some or all immunizations (for example, due to a medical condition). A student may be exempted due to personal or religious beliefs. An appropriate completed exemption form must be filed for these students. The exemption form is available online at LAUSD.Net.


Tuberculosis Clearance: All kindergarten students, all new first grade students who have never attended kindergarten and all students entering an Early Education Center must present a written report (usually on the immunization record) provided by a private physician or Health Department, giving the results of a Mantoux test for tuberculosis done within one year prior to school entry. A chest X-ray will be required if the skin test results are positive.


All new students entering grades 1-12, who have never attended any school in California, must present documentation of the results of Mantoux test done at some previous time. Students entering grades 1-12 from any other California school (public, private, or parochial) are exempt from the requirement.

A comprehensive physical examination and health assessment consistent with Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) guidelines are required for all first grade students within 18 months prior to entry or up to 3 months after admission to the first grade. A CHDP or equivalent examination may be done by a private physician, Health Department Clinic or, in some instances, the LAUSD CHDP Nurse Practitioner.


If a child has no medical insurance or has limited coverage, or if they are covered by Medi-Cal, the child may be eligible for a free CHDP physical at various local clinics &/or Healthy Start Sites. If help is needed in meeting the requirements for CHDP exams, the Charter Schools may enlist the services (at a Fee For Service) through LAUSD District Nursing Services – by contacting the Charter Office. Lists for Healthy Start Sites & CHAMP Program fliers are available at LAUSD.Net


All children entering Early Childhood Programs must have a physical examination. Students enrolling for the first time in secondary schools are encouraged to provide the school with a report of a recent physical examination. Forms for this purpose may be obtained (ordered) through LAUSD Supply Catalog. If parents/guardians do not wish to have their child obtain the CHDP exam or physical examinations recommended – they must file an annual written statement to that effect with the school site’s administrator.

CHDP allows for health exams of children at established time intervals on the periodicity table. For example, a child may have a physical at:

  •  1st grade, school entry
  •  4th grade, puberty
  •  8th grade, new teen/sports
  •  12th grade, before graduation

The Charter Schools responsibilities:

  • Informing parents about
    • The mandated school entry physical & immunization requirements
    • The availability of no-cost CHDP exams for income eligible children
  • Collecting PM171A or B forms (Report of Health Examination for School Entry) from parents, or other state-approved health examination form if they do not already have it.
  • Reporting to the State on the PM 272 (CHDP Annual School Report) and recording exam results on the student’s records. Reimbursement: The *** District/Charter is reimbursed at the rate of $1.00 for each child enrolled in first grade, based on the report submitted to the State.

Each student in grades 9-12, planning to participate in interscholastic athletic competition, must pass a yearly physical examination by a licensed physician to comply with school policy. Athletes will receive instruction for meeting the requirements from the coach and/or Athletic Director. Athletes are strongly urged to have this examination by their private physician. The completed form, signed and stamped by a licensed physician, is to be returned to the school for review and approval before a student may participate in practice and/or competition.

Vision and Audiometric Screening: Screening of the student’s vision and hearing will be done at the school site in accordance with State mandates provided in the E.C. 49452. The student’s vision must be appraised upon first enrollment in a California elementary school and at least every third year thereafter until the pupil has completed the 8th grade. The Charter School may contract with LAUSD District Nursing by contacting the Charter Office for these services. Routine vision screening will be done upon a student’s first admission and grades: K or 1st, 2nd 5th, 8th, and high school screening is optional. Color Vision ScreeningBoys, one time only, using pseudoisochromatic plates. Any student referred by the classroom teacher or parent. These tests are usually done on first or second graders. The School Nurse completes testing. Audiometric Screening will be done on first admission and grades: K, 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 10th grades. A licensed audiometrist or School Nurse who holds an Audiometrist Certification issued by the State may conduct audio screenings. They may be contracted through LAUSD Audiometric Testing Program thru the Charter Office.

Dental Screenings available on request.

California Education Code Section 49423 provides that any pupil who is required to take, during the regular school day, medication prescribed for him by a physician may be assisted by the administrator &/or designated school personnel if the school receives:

  • (1) A written statement from such physician detailing the method, amount, and time schedules by which such medication is to be taken; and
  • (2) A written statement from the parent or guardian of the pupil indicating the desire that the school assist the pupil in the matters set forth in the physician’s statement. Students may not carry or use medication on campus without written consent. The required forms are available from the administrator &/or designated school personnel.
  • (3) LAUSD Medication forms are available to the Charter School on-line at LAUSD.Net.

The school &/or designated school personnel do not prescribe or give advice regarding medication. Students may carry and self-administer certain medication (e.g., inhaled asthma medication or auto-injectable epinephrine medication) if the school receives the appropriate documentation. This includes:

  • (1) A written statement from the physician detailing the name of medication, method, amount and time schedules by which the medication is to be taken, and confirming that the pupil is able to self-administer the medication;
  • (2) A written statement from the parent or guardian of the pupil consenting to the self-administration, releasing the school district and school personnel from liability in the case of adverse reaction. The required forms are available from the administrator &/or designated school personnel. A pupil may be subject to disciplinary action if the medication is used in a manner other than as prescribed.

A student’s parent/guardian is responsible for picking up any remaining medication at the end of the school year. If left at the school after the last day of school, the medication will be destroyed.

Home/ Hospital Teaching: Instruction in the home or hospital is provided pursuant to state law for eligible general education students in grades K-12 whose non-contagious temporary medical disability prevents attendance in regular day class or alternative educational program for a limited period of time. The intent is to maintain continuity of the student’s instructional program during the interim period of disability. A home-hospital teacher provides instruction in subjects/courses correlated with the student’s school program to the maximum extent possible.


Home/Hospital instruction is designed as a temporary interim service. It shall not replace, over an extended period of time, the regularly required instructional program. Instruction in this program will commence:

  • When the attending physician authorizes service to begin, based upon the student’s ability to participate, and
  • Upon receipt of the parent’s authorization for temporary transfer of educational duties.
  • Instruction in the home/hospital for a temporary period of time is also provided for Students with a current IEP or students with a Section 504 Plan – under certain circumstances.
  • Forms are available on-line at LAUSD.NET

Sutures, Casts, Crutches, Brace(s), or Wheelchairs: These students must have a physician’s written permission to attend school and must comply with any safety procedures required by the school administration.


Prolonged Illness, Injury, Surgery, or Hospitalization: A student returning to school following a serious or prolonged illness, injury, surgery, or other hospitalization (including psychiatric and drug or alcohol inpatient treatment), must have written permission by the health care provider to attend school, including any recommendations regarding physical activity.


Physical Education Excuses: Student’s must bring parent or physician written physical education excuses to the Administrator or designated personnel if they need to be excused from Physical Education. Parents may write excuses for up to five (5) days for minor problems. A physician must write any P.E. excuse for over five (5) days.


Conditions that require a physician’s written note to attend school include:

  • A student returning to school with stitches, cast, crutches, brace, splint or sling.
  • A student returning to school after a prolonged (5 or more consecutive days) or serious illness, injury, surgery, hospitalization or contagious illness.
  • The written note must state the date the student is permitted to return to school and recommendations regarding P.E. classes or activity on campus.

Emergency Cards: A current Emergency Information card must be on file at the school so that parents can be notified promptly in case of an accident or illness involving their child.


Blood Donations: Blood donation drives in cooperation with the Red Cross or other agency may be held on senior high school campuses. Efforts will be made to notify parents/guardians of planned blood donor drives; however, the written consent of the parent/guardian is no longer required for participation by students 17 years or older.


Growth and Development Presentations: Sex Education Class Criteria (E.C. 51553)

  • Materials and instruction be age appropriate
  • Family Life Exclusions: Parents may send a written note to the school refusing to let their child participate in any classroom presentations and discussions about sex, reproduction and/or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), menstrual hygiene, and/or of the classes generally called “Family Life Education.”
  • Legal References (CES 51550, 51551, 51553, 51820, 51201.5)
    • Parent must be notified in writing prior to the time of the class.
    • Parent has the right to keep the pupil out of the class – request must be in writing
    • Parent must have an opportunity to preview the written or audiovisual materials, which will be used prior to the time of the class.
    • ABSTINENECE must be stressed as the only protection that is 100% effective against unwanted teenage pregnancy, STIs, and AIDS when sexually transmitted.
    • Course material and instruction shall stress that pupils should ABSTAIN from sexual intercourse until they are ready for marriage.
    • Course material and instruction shall teach honor and respect for monogamous heterosexual marriage.
    • AIDS prevention instruction must be taught at least once in junior high or middle school and once in high school, unless the parent desires to keep the pupil out of the class.
  • Growth & Development presentation is recommended to 5th graders (on K-5th campuses), and the 6th graders (on K-6th grade campuses).
  • Professionals who are prepared in health education should provide family life education programs.
  • School Nurses generally present the Growth & Development program to 5th or 6th graders – utilizing their professional preparation and skills to assist school districts in the development of family life programs that promote healthy family life and responsible sexual behavior.
  • The Charter school may arrange through the Charter Office the services of LAUSD District Nursing to present the Growth & Development Program to students.

Confidential Excused Absences: School authorities may excuse any pupil in grades 7-12 from the school for the purpose of obtaining confidential medical services without the consent of the parent or guardian per C.E.C. Section 46010.1


Condom Distribution: Charter high schools may make condoms available at no cost to students who request them unless the parent/guardian withdraws permission by completing and returning the permission slip to be supplied by the Charter school. This is in an effort to decrease the spread of sexually transmitted disease including HIV. While the school does offer education that emphasizes abstinence as the only one hundred percent effective method of preventing infection, the proper use of a condom does provide protection against sexual transmission of the HIV/AIDS virus and other sexually transmitted diseases. In making condoms available the Charter assumes no liability.


Health Insurance: The Charter School does not provide student insurance for medical, dental or hospital services needed for injuries to students while involved in school-related accidents. Children’s Health Access and Medi-Cal Program (CHAMP) provide information and assists parents to access health and insurance for their children ages 0-18. Parents can call a toll free Helpline at 1 (866) 742-2273.


Students engaged in interscholastic sports are required by California Education Code sections 32220-32224 to have health or accident medical coverage. The plans referenced above are also meant to help parents comply with these State laws. Private insurance coverage is also available for sports, accidents and illness by contacting Myers-Stevens & Toohey at (800) 827-4695 and/or

Communicable disease inspections may be conducted periodically. A student suspected of having a communicable disease will be excluded from school until guidelines for readmission are met. Guidelines for exclusion and readmission follow policies set forth by the Charter, the Department of Health and the Department of Education. Guidance in addressing communicable diseases also comes from the Center for Disease Control and prevention and national organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Association of School Nurses.


Temporary exclusion of a student from school generally occurs for communicable diseases, including, but not limited to, the following conditions: conjunctivitis (“pink eye”); impetigo, strep throat, chickenpox, scabies, head lice, and pertussis (“whooping cough”). Readmission to school is based on condition and appropriate treatment.


An effort will be made to notify parents/guardians about school exposure to chickenpox, head lice, or other communicable disease that pose a risk to students. The parent/guardian of a student for whom chickenpox presents a particular hazard should contact the school. Students at risk include those with conditions affecting the immune system and those receiving certain drugs for the treatment of leukemia or organ transplants. Information on the treatment and prevention of head lice is available from the designated school health personnel or Health Department.

The pupil is assessed in all areas related to the suspected disability including, where appropriate, health and development, vision, including low vision, hearing, motor abilities, language function, general ability, academic performance, self-help, orientation and mobility skills, career and vocational abilities and interests, and social and emotional status. Persons knowledgeable of that disability shall conduct the assessment of a pupil, including the assessment of a pupil with a suspected low incidence disability.


Temporary exclusion of a student from school generally occurs for communicable diseases, including, but not limited to, the following conditions: conjunctivitis (“pink eye”); impetigo, strep throat, chickenpox, scabies, head lice, and pertussis (“whooping cough”). Readmission to school is based on condition and appropriate treatment.


[Section 56100(a). Education Code.][Reference: Section 56326, Education Code.]
3027. Hearing and Vision Screening. All pupils being assessed for initial and three-year review for special education services shall have had a hearing and vision screening, unless parental permission was denied.


The School Nurse, School Doctor, or student’s medical provider may conduct and provide the Health Assessment information.


The Health Assessment includes:

  •  Review existing health records at school.
  •  Obtain/update medical information from relevant sources.
  •  Observe the student in the classroom, playground, clinic, or other appropriate venue.
  •  Obtain a health and developmental history from the parent/caregiver or student if appropriate.
  •  Seek input from appropriate persons in the environment.
  •  Perform a physical assessment which may include some or all of the following.
    •  General appearance and manner
    •  Height, weight, and percentile ranking
    •  Blood pressure, pulse, respiration
    •  Vision
    •  Audiometric testing
    • Neurodevelopmental assessment

The School Nurses input may also be requested for SST & 504 meetings. The Charter School may request services from LAUSD District Nursing by contacting the Charter Office to contract these services.

Food Handler Certificates are required for all persons who handle food in schools and cafeterias.